Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Children's Garden Update

West side of Children's Garden, July 2011
       The grandchildren haven't visited much this summer because their mother has been so busy with her own garden (http://adventuresofathriftymama/) but when they have come, they've spent time here.  We added the tire swing last year after Chris, that's our daughter, told us she's always wanted one.  She had never mentioned it before.  This is where the kids head now as soon as they go outside.  The littlest one likes the turtle sandbox.  When the oldest spent a few days with us during the dog days of summer, he had the slide positioned so that he could land with a splash in the pool.  None of them has taken a particular interest in the plants, but I'm hoping that will change as both the plants and the kids mature.  I've heard that Skyler already grows his own catnip stash.  I don't know if he's actually tasted catnip tea, which is a mild sedative for people, if not cats, and helpful for treating colds and fever.
West side of Children's Garden, late September, 2011.

       As with the Moon Garden, this project is awaiting completion of that darn pipeline to the barn.  I don't figure there's much point in planting anything on the east side of the garden until that's finished.  Meanwhile, this corner is filling in nicely.  Counterclockwise around the tree are lemon balm, day lilies, chives, parley, catnip, and violets.  I actually harvested and used some of the catnip and have dried enough to fill two quart jars.  The black post that appears to cut thought the slide is a maker for one of the red currant bushes I want to put in next spring.  There'll be one behind the tree and a third to its left.  I dug out existing soil and replaced it with an organically rich blend.  Sam helped with the digging.  While I was getting the replacement soil, he was actually in the hole, challenging his older adopted brother, Nightshade.  The post isn't to remind me where I intend to plant; it's to keep the dogs from digging in that lovely, rich soil.  The future currant site to the left of the tree is both dogs' favorite resting place when watching me work in the yard.
       I planted red creeping thyme in the background, just this side of the lilac bushes.  It's not doing well under the bench (behind the slide) where it gets too little sun, but among the lilacs it's doing fine.
       I'm still concerned that the black locust trees may be stunting the growth of some things I've planted.  Neither the nasturtiums or hostas are doing as well as I'd like.
       This corner of the garden has a daffodil border, which I've read is a barrier against grass.  I have grave doubts about that, but expect lots and lots of yellow blooms next spring, here and elsewhere in the yard.  I'd claim that I can't wait, but actually, I'm looking forward to some down time this winter!

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